All 921Docs Modules are designed for use by Both Public and Private Fire Investigators to document their Structure and Vehicle Examination Origin and Cause Efforts Efficiently. While at the same time generating their “Narrative Voice Reports”.
The modules are specifically designed to Document the Investigator’s Adherence to the requirements of NFPA 1033 and that at a minimum they Considered the Recommendations and Suggestions contained in NFPA 921.
The Modules are customized to `Each` Client’s Unique Report Requirements, including page layout and text verbiage for the reports generated. As a result, each Fire Investigators’ Origin and Cause Report is produced while adhering to Each Client’s Specifications and generated using the Investigator’s Own Words.
Short Report Format; Often used when there is “No Evidence of Arson” and or `No Subrogation Potential`. This format documents the Investigative efforts conducted and efficiently generates an Overview of the Investigation and Findings.
Full Report Format; Often used for `Fire Death Cases`, or when `Evidence of Arson` and or `Subrogation Potential` has been identified. This format is designed for use when the Most Thorough Fire Scene Examination, Investigation and Corresponding Documentation Is Required.
All Fire Investigator Training and Report Customizations are conducted while working with an Actual Certified Fire Investigator. 921Docs On Staff CFIs work closely with clients ensuring that customizing the Categories & Options of Investigation as well as the Narrative Voice Text is a quick and efficient task.
Modules Available Individually
or as a “Premium Module Set”
Toll Free : 800-549-1317
1470 Pomona Rd.
Corona, CA. 92882